CI Remove Capital Invest Accounts Link
Description: This API gets the capitalInvestId from channel and removes the Link from Capital Invest.
The experience API (third-party-api) will push the requests to third-party-prc api which sends JSON request to MANAF sys api.
Mulesoft Request:
Mandatory Headers: x-correlation-id, client_id, Authorization
Optional Headers: x-sub-channel-id, x-user-id, x-debug-flag, x-customer-id, client_secret, x-channel-id, x-bank-id
URI Params: NA
Query Params: NA
"capitalInvestId": "4000215"
Content-type: application/json, text/json
Mulesoft Response:
Success Response: (200)
"status": {
"success": true,
"code": "200",
"arabicMessage": "تمت العملية بنجاØ",
"englishMessage": "The Operation has been Successfully Completed"
Error Response: (400, 403, 404, 405, 406, 415, 500, 501)
"status": {
"success": false,
"code": "400",
"reasonCode": "BadRequest",
"arabicMessage": "",
"englishMessage": "Accounts not Linked",
"backendError": "Accounts not Linked",
"backendCode": "11"